Positive Power & Influence®

What does Positive Power & Influence® Program do?

It helps achieve business goals and at the same time maintain good relations. Senior managers and executives around the globe benefit from the Positive Power & Influence® Program by developing their influence skills, boosting their performance; and while doing so they keep their relations inside and outside the organization unaffected.

Why does it work?

It is a research-backed development skills program. PPI is based on a behavioural model, which illustrates relations between the influencer and influence target, as well as actions and techniques in place. The program helps master influence skills, which translate into effective communication and strong leadership abilities. It has proven effective and successful in more than 40 countries around the world.

What will you learn?

To influence people around you. PPI will help you develop your personal power, make other people listen and gain their support for your ideas. As a result, you will get your job done with full alignment of your team, matrix and direct reports, as well as external and internal partners.

In Poland, Positive Power & Influence Program is uniquely delivered by Clarity Consulting S.C.

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Clarity of leadership, clarity of business and clarity of individuals are necessities.